eBay Promoted Listings

Promoted Listings

Using promoted listings can enhance the visibility of your items on eBay and increase the likelihood of a sale. You only pay when an item sells, and this option is accessible to sellers who have achieved above standard and top-rated status on eBay, with recent sales activity. Promoted listings receive better rankings in eBay search results and appear as sponsored listings.

Reasons to Use Promoted Listings:
  1. Boost Product Visibility: Promoted listings help enhance the visibility of your products on eBay, making them more noticeable to potential buyers.
  2. Increase Sales: The increased visibility often leads to a higher likelihood of sales, helping you generate more revenue for your items.
  3. Cost Efficiency: You only incur charges when a purchase is made, making it a cost-effective advertising option as you pay for actual sales.

What is an Ad Rate

An Ad Rate refers to the percentage of an item's final sale price (excluding shipping and taxes) that is charged by eBay as a Promoted Listings fee. This fee is incurred only when a buyer clicks on the promoted listing and subsequently purchases the promoted item within 30 days of that initial click. The charge is based on the ad rate that was in effect when the promoted listing was first clicked.

inkFrog Navigation: eBay → Promoted Listings

Within this section, you'll find options to:
  1. Create a New Campaign:
    • Initiate a new promoted listings campaign.
  2. Existing Campaign Options:
    • Edit: Modify the settings of an existing campaign.
    • Pause: Temporarily halt the promotion of an active campaign.
    • Resume: Restart a paused campaign to continue promotions.
    • End Early: Conclude a campaign before its scheduled end date.
    • Delete: Remove an existing campaign from your promoted listings.

For Additional Information, please visit eBay's official resources.