eBay Seller Listing Limits

Each seller on eBay has monthly seller limits put in place by eBay.

If the eBay listing limits are reached, you may receive an error when attempting to send listings to eBay regarding a quantity or monetary value limit.

eBay counts every quantity of each listing towards the eBay listing limits.

eBay also counts the monetary value of each listing towards the limits.

For example, if you have one listing with quantity 1000, eBay is counting that as 1000 towards the limit.

Or, if you have a listing that has quantity 1000 and each item in that listing is $5, they are counting that as $5000 towards your limits.

There are a few things you're able to do in the situation where you have more items to list, but you've reached your eBay seller limits for the month.

1) Reach out directly to eBay customer support and request a limit increase.  If they increase your seller limits, which typically can only be done once every 30 days, then you may continue listing as usual from inkFrog. A limit increase may also be requested here.

2)  If you're using a store connection with inkFrog, use restock settings within the sync settings to send a lower quantity to eBay to free up some space within the listing limits.

Allow Separate Inventory Quantity for eBay

To enable separate inventory, select settings > store connector and then click the settings (gear) button on the right side of the page. If you have inventory sync on for your store to inkFrog, there is an option below that to allow separate inventory which when enabled, provides 2 quantity fields within your listings, one for the store and one for eBay. The eBay quantity may be at or below your store inventory quantity.


The restock settings are based upon store quantity revisions. This setting will increase eBay's available quantity based upon restocking quantity on your store. This is useful when eBay and store quantity reaches 0, then the store is restocked, eBay will also be restocked based upon the value entered for this sync setting.

Auto Restock

There is an auto restock option as well. When enabled, you're able to set a restock quantity. For example, if you set your eBay quantity to 1 for your listings, in the auto restock rule, you're able to set when quantity reaches 0 set back to a fixed amount of 1. So when an item sells on eBay, inkFrog would check your currently available store quantity and as long as there are 1 or more available, inkFrog would auto restock your eBay listing back to a quantity of 1. This setting is based upon eBay sales.

eBay Import Quantity Limit

There is also an eBay import quantity limit setting. If you set this to 1, when you import new products from your store, the eBay quantity will automatically be set to a quantity of 1 as long as your store inventory is 1 or above.