Library Organization

Listing Filters

In the account library, all saved listings find their home. These listings encompass various statuses such as live (on eBay), ready (to list), failed (to list), and scheduled (to list).
By default, the library presents an overview of all saved listings. However, utilizing filters empowers you to establish specific criteria and save filter sets to modify the listings view.
To initiate the process, click on the Filter listings button. From there, select filters that cater to your preferences and narrow down the listings to a specific view.

For instance, if the goal is to locate only listings in a failed status that are not linked to your store, set a filter for eBay status as failed and then add a second filter for not linked to store. This flexible approach allows you to apply various combinations of available filters.
Additionally, if the filtered view is anticipated for frequent use, saving the filter set is an option for easy accessibility in the future.
To save a filter, configure the filter criteria and then click on Save this search.
You can opt to save it as a new search or overwrite an existing search, accompanied by the choice to assign a name for easy identification.
Once the search is saved, a dedicated library tab is generated.  Upon selection, this tab showcases the filtered listings.
To eliminate a saved search from the library, access the library, click on the corresponding tab, and select the trash button located to the right of the "Save this search" button. Confirm the removal by selecting Delete Search.

Listing Folders

You can generate folders and assign listings either individually or in bulk to specific library folders.

To start creating a folder, access the library and click on the folder button.
Then, choose the Manage Folders button.

After selecting the Manage Folders button, a pop-up will appear, allowing you to delete folders. To delete a folder, click the trash button next to the folder name you want to delete. Alternatively, create a new folder by using the Add New Folder button.

If you decide to delete a folder, please confirm the deletion by selecting the Delete Folder button.
If you choose to add a new folder, enter a folder name and click the Add Folder button.

To individually assign a listing from either the create new listing page or the edit listing page to a folder, find the field titled Save to folder. Select the folder here or use the + button to create a new folder.

For bulk assignment of your library listings to a specific folder, select the checkboxes for those listings.
Next, click the Bulk Actions button located at the top right of the screen once you begin making your listing selections.
Within the Bulk Actions menu, choose Library Actions and then Move to Folder.
Afterward, select the folder and click Move Listings.

To view only listings within a specific folder, click the folder button, then select the checkbox for the folder you would like to view.

Listings Page View

The default page view in the library is set to display 50 listings per page. You can modify the page view using filters.

To adjust the page size, access your library and apply a filter for the desired page size. Various ranges are available for selection.