Sold eBay Orders

Congratulations on your first eBay order! To manage the order through inkFrog, here are the steps:

  1. Log in to inkFrog and go to the "Sold" section.
  2. You can update the paid and shipped status of the order either directly on eBay or within inkFrog. The information will automatically sync back and forth.
  3. If you're syncing orders with a store, fulfilling the orders in your store will automatically sync the order status to inkFrog and then to eBay.

In this view, you'll find information such as the inkFrog order ID, order date, customer name, total cost, paid amount, and shipped status.

Clicking on the + icon to the left of each order will expand and display a quick view of the sold listing. This allows you to get a brief overview of the details associated with the sold item within the order.

Individual Order Update

To access more detailed information, click on the order number. This action will open the order details, where you can perform the following actions:

  1. Mark as Payment Received:
    • Select this button to indicate that the order has been paid for.
  2. Ship Items:
    • Select this button to mark the order as shipped and enter any relevant carrier or tracking information.

Make sure to enter any necessary details and then select "Ship Items." This helps in keeping your order information updated and accurate.

Using Filters

There are a variety of ways to filter the view of the sold orders using filters.  Multiple filters may be used at the same time.
For instance, if you want to view listings using the market with orders in the last 90 days, you would set up two filters: one for eBay market and another for order date. This allows you to customize and refine the view of sold listings based on specific criteria.

If this is a filter that we'll use often, we can opt to save the search and in doing so, you're provided with the option to name the search and save it as a quick tab at the top of the live page.

Should you ever need to delete a saved search tab, click the tab, then select the trash button to the right of the Save this search button.

If you've set up order labels, there's also a quick filter to view orders by the assigned label.

Once you select one or more of the check boxes to the left of the orders, you'll notice a row of buttons appear towards the top right of the screen.

Arrows:  These are pagination arrows, use them to move between the pages of live listings. A filter may be set for page size so that it shows up to 250 orders per page

Manage Order Labels:  Add or delete labels for your orders

Refresh:  Import any sold orders from eBay

Bulk Actions:  The bulk actions menu expands into a sub-menu and includes the following
Archive Orders:  If an order is entirely complete, you're able to archive the order(s) by selecting this option.  It will turn the text into a faded grey color in the order view

Unarchive Orders:  If you've un-intentionally archived an order or a previously archived order needs to be unarchived, choose this option

Print Orders:  When using inkFrog print templates (invoices/labels), print orders will format the templates to include the details for the selected orders for printing

Apply Label:  Bulk assign a label to the selected orders

Paid:  Bulk change the paid status for the selected orders

Shipped:  Bulk change the shipped status for the selected orders

Paid & Shipped:  Bulk change the paid & shipped status for the selected orders

Force Synchronization:  The options available when force syncing orders change depending upon if you have a store linked to inkFrog or not. 

Failed Order Sync

In cases where an order fails to sync from inkFrog to your store due to an error returned by the store, the software initiates built-in retries. However, if the error persists, the software will cease attempts to sync the order. To review such orders in inkFrog:
  1. Go to "eBay → Sold."
  2. Set a filter for "not linked to store" to identify any failed orders.

If you have email alerts for failed order syncs enabled in your sync settings, you will receive an email detailing the order's failure and the reason behind it. Upon receiving this email, you can try to force sync the order from inkFrog to your store:
  1. Go to "eBay → Sold."
  2. Select the checkbox for the failed order.
  3. Click the bulk actions button and choose "force sync."
  4. Select "inkFrog to your store" and complete the sync.

Note: Do not select to sync inventory if prompted, as inkFrog has already adjusted your inventory as specified in the email. If the order persists in failing to sync to your store, there may be various reasons for your store sending inkFrog a fail message.